A luscious, no-bake cheesecake with a rich, chocolate cookie crust can be put together in a snap before chilling for an hour. Due to its delicate stature,...
Stack them high! Place a mound of these Hazelnut Shortbread Balls in your favorite serving dish, place them at the center of your table, and watch them...
This classic Italian cake, similar to the British trifle, was made by Martha Stewart Living prep kitchen manager John Barricelli for Martha's mother's...
The recipe is also a good base for any number of flavors. If using a nonstick pan, which heats up faster than a traditional one, go by the shorter baking...
A classic Italian dessert that translates to 'semi-frozen', semifreddos are light and airy in texture-think of them as a hybrid of ice cream and mousse....
For the prettiest presentation, use a combination of green (1 cup) and red gooseberries (2 1/2 cups). Currant jelly yields a dessert that's quite tart,...
Quince, a vibrant cousin of the apple, mingles well with spiced and sweet ingredients. The fruit is poached in a wine-spiked syrup, which coats it as it...
The classic chocolate bon bon is taken for a tea time spin in this recipe for earl-grey-infused truffles. The distinctive, citrusy bergamot flavor of the...
Lots of desserts benefit from a bit of fire, and these flame-kissed plums and peaches atop grill-marked pound cake are no exception. Just a few minutes...
A freeform tart meant to be ragged and uneven (it's beautiful no matter what you do to it), a galette is just the thing for beginning cooks. This savory...
For this gem-coloreddessert, plump strawberries, raspberries,and blackberries are lightly cooked to release their juices, which are then reducedtomake...
Cassata, a Sicilian cake made for festive occasions, is filled with layered mixtures of ricotta, vanilla, candied fruit, sugar, and liqueur--we used juicy...
Sugar and spice and everything nice are the key ingredients for this popcorn recipe. Mix butter, sugar, corn syrup, cinnamon, and red food coloring in...
In Albanian, this savory spinach pie is called Byrek Mi Spinaq and, with its delicate layers of phyllo dough, spinach, and cream, it's a very popular dish....
A custardy navy bean puree is generously spiced with cinnamon for the filling of this fall-friendly pie. Martha made this recipe on episode 703 of Martha...
Keep an eye on your pan; the best indicator of doneness is appearance, not time. Just before the syrup reaches the shade you desire, remove it from the...
This simple, not-too-sweet cookie recipe comes from author Elizabeth Gilbert's "At Home on the Range," a republication of her great-grandmother's 1947...
Pumpkin pie is infused with a delicious maple flavor and topped with a leaf-lattice piecrust. You will need a 2-inch leaf cutter for this recipe. The leaf...
The lady apple, which resembles a scaled-down version of a McIntosh or Cortland, was valued during the Colonial era as a decorative element of wreaths,...
A trifecta of chocolate stars in this uniquely constructed frozen dessert: decadent dark chocolate cake, rich white chocolate ganache, and luscious chocolate...
When you can't decide between a cookie or a brownie, make a combo! Here, cookie dough is dotted over brownie batter and baked until the edges are cakey...